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  屠鹏飞, 教授

  博士生导师, 国家杰出青年基金获得者

  联系方式: 010-8280 2750; pengfeitu@bjmu.edu.cn



  (1)  中药活性成分与新药研究

  (2)  天然活性成分结构改造与构效关系研究

  (3)  中药质量分析 

























  1.   Li J., Chen D., Jiang Y., Zhang Q., Zhang L., Tu P.* Identification and quantification of 5, 6, 7, 8-tetrahydro-2-(2-phenylethyl) chromones in Chinese eaglewood by high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector and mass spectrometer. J Sep Sci 2013, in press.

  2.   Ma Xu, Zhang K., Li H., Han S., Ma Z., Tu P. Extracts from Astragalus membranaceus limit myocardial cell death and improve cardiac function in a rat model of myocardial ischemia. J Ethnopharmacol. 2013, 149: 720–728.

  3.   Zeng K., Wang S., Dong X., Jiang Y., Tu P.* Sesquiterpene dimer (DSF-52) from Artemisia argyi inhibits microglia-mediated neuroinflammation via suppression of NF-κB, JNK/p38 MAPKs and Jak2/Stat3 signaling pathways. Phytomedicine . 2013, in press.

  4.  Zeng K., Li J., Dong X., Wang Y., Ma Z., Jiang Y., Jin H., Tu P.* Anti-neuroinflammatory efficacy of the aldose reductase inhibitor FMHM via phospholipase C/protein kinase C-dependent NF-κB and MAPK pathways. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2013, 273:159–171.

  5.   Han S., Li H., Ma X., Zhang K., Ma Z., Jiang Y., Tu, P.* Evaluation of the anti-myocardial ischemia effect of individual and combined extracts of Panax notoginseng and Carthamus tinctorius in rats. J Ethnopharmacol , 2013, 145, 722–727.

  6.   Zhou Y., Chai X., Zeng K., Zhang J., Li N, Jiang Y., Tu P.* Ilexpublesnins C–M, eleven new triterpene saponins from the roots of Ilex pubescens . Planta Med , 2013, 79 : 70–77.

  7.   Zan K., Chai X., Chen X., Wu Q., Fu Q., Zhou S., Tu P.* Artanomadimers A–F: six new dimeric guaianolides from Artemisia anomala. Tetrahedron , 2012, 68(25): 5060–5065.

  8.   Li H., Han S., Ma X., Zhang K., Wang L., Ma Z., Tu P.* The saponin of red ginseng protects the cardiac myocytes against ischemic injury in vitro and in vivo . Phytomedicine , 2012, 19 , 477–483.

  9.   Tian S., Chai X., Zan K., Zeng K., Guo X., Jiang Y., Tu P.* Arvestolides A–C, new rare sesquiterpenes from the aerial parts of Artemisia vestita . Tetrahedron Lett , 2013, 54: 5035–5038.

  10.  Han S., Li H., Ma X., Zhang K., Ma Z., Jiang Y., Tu P.* Evaluation of the anti-myocardial ischemia effect of individual and combined extracts of Panax notoginseng and Carthamus tinctorius in rats. J Ethnopharmacol , 2013, 145 , 722–727.

  11.   Chen D., Xu Z., Chai X., Zeng K., Jia Y., Bi D., Ma Z., Tu P.* Nine 2-(2-phenylethyl)chromone derivatives from the resinous wood of Aquilaria sinensis and their inhibition of LPS-induced NO production in RAW 264.7 cells. Eur J Org Chem , 2012, 5389–5397.

  12.  Zhang L., Li N., Ma Z., Tu P.* Comparison of the chemical constituents of aged Pu-erh tea, ripened Pu-erh tea and other teas using HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS(n), J Agr Food Chem , 2011, 59(16): 8754–8760.

  13.   Jiang Y, Li S., Wang Y., Chen X., Tu P.*Differentiation of Herba Cistanches by fingerprint with high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection–mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A , 2009, 13: 2156–2162

  14.  Fu Q., Zan K., Zhao M., Zhou S., Shi S., Jiang Y., Tu P.*Triterpene saponins from Clematis chinensis and their potential anti-inflammatory activity, J Nat Prod , 2010,73: 1234–1239

  15.  Li J., Jiang Y., Li Q., Xiao Q., Jia Y., Tu P.* Formal synthesis of semiaquilegin A, Tetrahedron Lett. , 2010, 51: 1121–1123

  16.  Chai X., Li F., Bai C., Xu Z., Shi H., Tu P.* Three new acylated glycosides from the stems of Casearia velutina and their protective effect against H2O2-induced impairment in PC12 Cells. Plant Med , 2010,76: 91–93

  17.  Zheng J., Wang X., Li H., Gu Y., Tu P.* Wen Z. Impoving abnormal hemorheological parameters in ApoE-/-mice by Ilex Kudingcha total saponins. Clin Hemorheol Micro , 2009, 42 (1): 29–36.

  18.   Jia C., Shi H., Jin W., Zhang K., Jiang Y., Zhao M., Tu P.*Metabolism of echinacoside, a good antioxidant, in rats: isolation and identification of its biliary metabolites. Drug Metab Dispos , 2009, 37: 431–438

  19.   Jiang Y., Tu P.* Analysis of chemical constituents in Cistanche species. J Chromatogr A , 2009, 13: 1970–1979

  20.   Gao X., Jiang Y., Lu J., Tu P.*One single standard substance for the determination of multiple anthraquinone derivatives in rhubarb using high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection, J Chromatogr A ,2009, 1216(11): 2118–2123



  先后获得国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金、卫生部优秀人才基金等人才基金资助,并承担了科技部、发改委、工信部等国家和省部级项目50余项。对肉苁蓉属、远志属、铁线莲属、蒿属等药用植物及中药黄芪、红花等50多种中药和天然药物及中药复方“补阳还五汤”等进行了系统的活性成分研究,分离鉴定了2500多个化合物,其中新化合物500多个;发现肉苁蓉中所含的部分苯乙醇苷类成分具有明显的抑制神经细胞凋亡、促进神经细胞生长作用,阐明其作用机理,并将其研制成为治疗老年痴呆症的二类新药;远志皂苷具有明显的抑制基因转染的神经细胞A β 的分泌,并阐明其作用机理;广西血竭中所含的黄酮类成分具有明显的抑制血小板聚集、抗血栓等作用,部分黄烷类成分具有明显的抗真菌作用。对大黄、黄芪、红花等20多种中药及黄芪注射液等5种中药注射剂进行了系统的质量标准包括指纹图谱检测标准的研究,建立了有效的质量控制方法。已研制一类新药1项,五类新药10多项,在研新药多项。研究成果获得国家科技进步奖一等奖、三等奖各1项、教育部自然科学奖一等奖和科技进步奖一等奖各1项、自然科学奖二等奖和科技进步奖二等奖各1项,国家中医药管理局科技进步奖一等奖2项、中华中医药学会李时珍医药创新奖1项、湖北省科技进步奖三等奖1项、新疆和田地区科技特等奖1项,并获得2001年度中国药学发展奖-地奥药学科学技术奖(中药奖)三等奖、2002年度茅以升科技教育奖-北京青年科技奖等荣誉奖。发表科研论文410余篇,其中SCI收载150多篇,著作9部,申请和授权专利30多项。

作者:中药现代研究中心 发布日期:2014-03-19